Monday, August 17, 2009

How to Avoid Premature Ejaculation - Prevent the Embarrassment of Finishing Too Quickly

If you want to avoid premature ejaculation, and the embarrassment that comes with it, you're in luck. There are methods that will work for most men that will help them to last longer and make sex better,more pleasurable and more satisfying for you and for her.

The key step is to identify the feeling inside of yourself that marks what sex therapists call "the point of inevitability". It's the moment when no matter what happens, if all stimulation stops immediately, then you will still reach orgasm. For most men this is a few seconds before ejaculation.

If you are going to make any sort of improvement in your bedroom stamina you need to be able to recognize your body's own time. You've probably felt it hundreds of times but given it no thought, because you don't need to last long while masturbation. Now is the time to practice, without a partner find out how close you can get while still stopping.

It may take a few goes but you should be able to reach a point when you can halt things before they get out of control. The more you aim to reach this point, and stop, the better you will get at it.

Once you are confident enough during a solo flight, it's time to include a partner. For her benefit, a few drinks tends to lengthen your performance naturally so you may want to have a few. Now monitor yourself, really concentrate and don't let the feelings and moment get away from you. When the point of inevitability approaches, stop what you are doing. Cease all stimulation. Pull out if you have to.

It takes a lot of self control to not just keep plowing ahead and finishing off, but if you want to achieve an improved outcome then it's what you need to do. Tell her what's going on if you feel comfortable, or if not, it's a good time to change position or try a new technique. At this point you can also try the squeeze technique, by putting pressure on the penis below the head. This reduces blood flow and can also make things slow down.

Unfortunately, if you want help with how to prevent premature ejaculation, it does take some self discipline. Stopping while your body is desperate for you to keep on going is the last thing you feel like doing but it will make things better for her, and ultimately for you. For many more advanced techniques try the links below.

For the best sexual guide for men I have ever seen click here or visit

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